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Meet our new Marketing Manager

BMJ Architects

Having recently joined our BMJ team as a Marketing Manager, we did a little interview with Ghizlane to get to know her more.

Why do you do what you do? And what matters most to you?

I’m passionate about learning and development and I enjoy the constantly evolving marketing landscape. Marketing uses a “both-brain” approach combining creativity and data, and is one of the rare career paths which offer a lot of versality in terms of industries and roles that I can explore. I have been a Marketer for over a decade, but I dabbled into different industries from hospitality to health and beauty before I settled on architecture.

Why did you choose architecture?

It was a happy accident! In 2020, I was looking for a new marketing role in Hospitality and the Covid pandemic started and brought the industry to a halt. I found myself working for an architecture studio specialised in Hospitality design instead and I never looked back. I enjoy marketing purpose-driven products and services and buildings are the centre of our lives – the houses we live in, the buildings we work in, the places we spend our time in and even the streets we walk in.

What makes you different from other Marketers?

I believe Marketing is everyone’s business. Each and every team member within a company is a walking talking Marketing banner. Yes, including the office dog! 

What’s your educational background?

I have a Master’s degree in International Tourism and Events Management from Glasgow Caledonian University and a Bachelor’s in Business Management from Institut Supérieur International de Tourisme de Tanger.

Tell us about your other accomplishments.

I speak three and a half languages.

I spent a week-long study trip in Finland, and I’ve completed the Common Purpose Future Leader programme in 2020.

What’s your favourite quote?

So many to choose from, but the one that comes to mind is Albert Einstein’s quote:“The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results”. It aligns with my belief in the importance of raising our self-awareness and unlocking our ability to constantly reinvent and better ourselves. 

What do you do outside of BMJ?

When I’m not my kids’ chauffeur, I redecorate my Victorian apartment – My next project (the one I’ve been putting off for months) is restoring the living room’s original wood flooring. I scroll endlessly the Rightmove App looking at the potential in each property or watch Youtube videos about architecture and interiors. I also practice yoga sometimes and explore my wee Scottish village with my boyfriend.



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