Beatson Cafe

More than just a Coffee Shop

The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre is the lead centre for the delivery of non-surgical cancer care for the West of Scotland, serving a population of 2.6m and is Scotland’s largest cancer centre as well as the second largest in the UK. The Beatson Charity wished to raise its profile, be more approachable to all and continue to raise money in order that it could continue to provide specialist nursing, radiography, physics and research based staff as well as funding enhanced medical equipment, innovative service developments and novel research projects and educational initiatives.
The new BMJ designed Beatson Café was created to link together two separate areas that were under utilised, turning what were impersonal, uncomfortable areas, at the entrance of the Tom Wheldon building, into a light, airy welcoming space for patients, staff and visitors to relax. The project was carried out in several phases due to its location within a live hospital environment with all Hai Scribe and standard infection control requirements adhered to.

200 sqm
Glasgow, UK
Beatson Cancer Charity
The overall style incorporates the Beaton’s corporate colours and aims - to be much more than just a coffee shop; a place to feel welcome, to chat, relax and escape the hospital environment. The side wall to the existing servery was opened up, creating a more spacious, modern airy feel to the area. The waiting area and café seating space now enjoy better relationships both physically and in terms of materiality and views. Due to the nature of the spaces, works to the waiting area had to be carried out at weekends while the café seating area could be refurbished in normal working hours.