Campbeltown Dental Access Centre

Quality Dental Care for the residents of Campbeltown & Kintyre.

The Dental Access Centre at Campbeltown was developed to improve access to NHS dental treatment for the residents of Campbeltown & Kintyre and provide improved training facilities for dental students.
The purpose built accommodation is set into a grassy embankment and is naturally split into 2 distinct buildings. It provides accommodation for local independent dental practitioners and a clinical teaching environment and training facilities for undergraduate outreach dental training, comprising 8 dental suites with two independent decontamination suites. One for the practitioner and one for the outreach training facility.

600 sqm
Campbeltown, UK
Campbeltown Dental Access Centre
The design philosophy was to create a building which was both welcoming and professional. It has been designed to open up as many views to the patient as possible from the entrance to the waiting area through to the dental surgeries themselves, making the building bright, airy and generous in feel.